PUNCHA CHOOSING GAME - A fun way to have the children choose questions during a Sharing Time presentation is to make a Punch-a board. From a large poster board, cut out 8 circles (4 across and 2 down) and write the words Punch-a on the top. Tape a piece of tissue paper over the back side of each hole. Roll the questions which have been written on strips of paper and tie with yarn. tape the strands of yarn on the backside of the poster above each hole. Choose a child to come and gently punch the tissue paper to retrieve the rolled question which is hanging through the hole.
FOLLOW THE SAVIOR - I am showing what it means to follow him by playing Follow the Leader with the Jr Primary and then telling them about faith. Then I am going to relate three scripture stories of how we can follow Jesus' example...by being baptized as he was, by praying as he taught and by loving one another. All the stories will come from the New Testament. I am going to have them display pictures as I tell the story on a picture story clothes line with clothes pins. After we have discussed all the stories, I made a punchboard for them to punch through to find clues that relate to one of the stories. They will have to guess which story it applies to and put the clue on a magnet board under the story heading. Example. A picture of John the Baptist will be in the punch board. They will have to link it to Jesus being baptized. For the Sr. Primary I am going to do the same thing but include some other stories from the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament as well. PAULA, AZ
"My Senior primary kids love this! Take two large sheets of poster board and glue them together, long end to long end, making one large square shaped poster board. Tracing around a large saucer with a pencil, draw twelve circles on the poster board. With an exacto knife, cut out the circles. On the back of each circular hole, tape a piece of wax paper using masking tape. (Pull the wax paper tight or it will not work very well.) YOU MUST USE A SEPARATE SHEET OF WAX PAPER FOR EVERY CIRCLE! Do not overlap. After every hole is covered, place a strip of paper with a song name on it in each of twelve plastic grocery bags. Tape the rim only of the grocery bag around the opening of the circle. Now, turn the board over and you should see wax covered circles for your reverent kids to punch through and pull out the song. "BONNIE GRIZZLE, NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV
Use Variety in Sharing Time. Try some of the following different methods of teaching: Brainstorming, Discussion-problem solving, memorizing, reading orally, singing, object lessons, visitor /speaker (its fun to have a visitor from the scriptures in costume come), chalkboard, opaque projector, puppet shows, displays, who am I ( they can ask 20 yes or no questions to determine who you are... a simple costume such as a hat or robe can help... of course you are a person from your lesson), missing words (give a handout of a transcript of a video clip to the children with words missing from it. As you show the video, the kids have to watch for the missing words and fill it in...this works with a story you want to read to them or a presentation you want to make), scripture chaining, scripture marking, object lesson box (the student draws an object from a box and explains how that object relates to the lesson or scripture), buzz sessions, discussion question box (students draw questions related to the lesson...discussion follows), note taking, reports/talks, worksheets, storytelling, video clips, questions ( prepare 5 questions ahead of time, give them to students before cl starts... challenge them to be able to answer the question when the question is ask in the lesson), flannel board, charts/maps, question me, raise your hand (tell the cl to look for something in a few verses of scripture and to raise their hand when they find it... tell them you will wait until everyone¹s hand is up before going on), puzzle/ questions (buy a picture that relates to your lesson from distribution... cut it into puzzle pieces...place questions on the back on each piece relating to the lesson...each student has at least one piece they read the question, it's discussed then the piece is placed on the board....soon all pieces reveal a picture that pertains to the lesson), news interviews (bring a microphone and ask someone to be a reporter and to interview children about the events or doctrines of the lesson), time lines, comparisons, random number selector (or dice...student rolls a huge set of dice to see which question they will answer ... the teacher has questions on a paper with a number by each), case study, panel discussion, role playing, demonstration, summarizing, filmstrips, pictures, flash cards, flip board, "new to me" (have students write down anything from the lesson that was new to them... discuss as the last part of the lesson), draw it out (students draw on paper what they believe is being described in the lesson or scripture block), longest word (have students find the longest word in the scripture block and define it), crossword puzzle, walk through, people flash cards, post-it-notes, committee work. Write notes of appreciation to ward leaders, full-time missionaries etc. Make a Primary scrapbook. Invite a returned missionary to Primary and learn possible ways to approach a non-member friend concerning the gospel. Have the students sequence events using word strips or pictures drawn by the students. Gather stories from ward members about their conversion to the church. Have students write their testimony and seal it in a time capsule to be opened at a certain time (marriage, college, mission etc) Have students draw posters, murals, time-lines, sculpt in clay.
FOLLOW THE SAVIOR - I am showing what it means to follow him by playing Follow the Leader with the Jr Primary and then telling them about faith. Then I am going to relate three scripture stories of how we can follow Jesus' example...by being baptized as he was, by praying as he taught and by loving one another. All the stories will come from the New Testament. I am going to have them display pictures as I tell the story on a picture story clothes line with clothes pins. After we have discussed all the stories, I made a punchboard for them to punch through to find clues that relate to one of the stories. They will have to guess which story it applies to and put the clue on a magnet board under the story heading. Example. A picture of John the Baptist will be in the punch board. They will have to link it to Jesus being baptized. For the Sr. Primary I am going to do the same thing but include some other stories from the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament as well. PAULA, AZ
"My Senior primary kids love this! Take two large sheets of poster board and glue them together, long end to long end, making one large square shaped poster board. Tracing around a large saucer with a pencil, draw twelve circles on the poster board. With an exacto knife, cut out the circles. On the back of each circular hole, tape a piece of wax paper using masking tape. (Pull the wax paper tight or it will not work very well.) YOU MUST USE A SEPARATE SHEET OF WAX PAPER FOR EVERY CIRCLE! Do not overlap. After every hole is covered, place a strip of paper with a song name on it in each of twelve plastic grocery bags. Tape the rim only of the grocery bag around the opening of the circle. Now, turn the board over and you should see wax covered circles for your reverent kids to punch through and pull out the song. "BONNIE GRIZZLE, NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV
Use Variety in Sharing Time. Try some of the following different methods of teaching: Brainstorming, Discussion-problem solving, memorizing, reading orally, singing, object lessons, visitor /speaker (its fun to have a visitor from the scriptures in costume come), chalkboard, opaque projector, puppet shows, displays, who am I ( they can ask 20 yes or no questions to determine who you are... a simple costume such as a hat or robe can help... of course you are a person from your lesson), missing words (give a handout of a transcript of a video clip to the children with words missing from it. As you show the video, the kids have to watch for the missing words and fill it in...this works with a story you want to read to them or a presentation you want to make), scripture chaining, scripture marking, object lesson box (the student draws an object from a box and explains how that object relates to the lesson or scripture), buzz sessions, discussion question box (students draw questions related to the lesson...discussion follows), note taking, reports/talks, worksheets, storytelling, video clips, questions ( prepare 5 questions ahead of time, give them to students before cl starts... challenge them to be able to answer the question when the question is ask in the lesson), flannel board, charts/maps, question me, raise your hand (tell the cl to look for something in a few verses of scripture and to raise their hand when they find it... tell them you will wait until everyone¹s hand is up before going on), puzzle/ questions (buy a picture that relates to your lesson from distribution... cut it into puzzle pieces...place questions on the back on each piece relating to the lesson...each student has at least one piece they read the question, it's discussed then the piece is placed on the board....soon all pieces reveal a picture that pertains to the lesson), news interviews (bring a microphone and ask someone to be a reporter and to interview children about the events or doctrines of the lesson), time lines, comparisons, random number selector (or dice...student rolls a huge set of dice to see which question they will answer ... the teacher has questions on a paper with a number by each), case study, panel discussion, role playing, demonstration, summarizing, filmstrips, pictures, flash cards, flip board, "new to me" (have students write down anything from the lesson that was new to them... discuss as the last part of the lesson), draw it out (students draw on paper what they believe is being described in the lesson or scripture block), longest word (have students find the longest word in the scripture block and define it), crossword puzzle, walk through, people flash cards, post-it-notes, committee work. Write notes of appreciation to ward leaders, full-time missionaries etc. Make a Primary scrapbook. Invite a returned missionary to Primary and learn possible ways to approach a non-member friend concerning the gospel. Have the students sequence events using word strips or pictures drawn by the students. Gather stories from ward members about their conversion to the church. Have students write their testimony and seal it in a time capsule to be opened at a certain time (marriage, college, mission etc) Have students draw posters, murals, time-lines, sculpt in clay.